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Named foods that can’t eat at night

 Названы продукты, которые нельзя есть на ночьRemember, vegetables are good, but not before bedtime!

You suddenly realize that hungry? And, as often happens, the idea is to eat came to you late at night? Of course, the glass of kefir worse your body will not be exact.

But remember: there are products, the use of which before going to sleep is highly undesirable.

A big, juicy steak may be delicious, but fraught with danger. Your body will be allowed an additional force, in order to digest a piece of meat. Due to this deep and sound sleep will be impossible! As a result of lack of sleep – you’re facing a tough day at work… Why so difficult? Just do not cram the night.


The worst mistake you can make! Of course, the vegetables were good, but not before bedtime! In vegetables high in fiber is, in fact, makes them so valuable for a healthy diet. But at night they become serious difficulty for your digestive system. The fact that fiber is moving incredibly slowly and for a long time for the body to digest.

Chips and snacks

It’s all just chips and snacks in General it is advisable not to use it often. But, if you have decided, do it at least not at night – will be healthier! High doses of monosodium glutamate almost certainly will lead to problems with sleep and stomach.

Pasta and pasta

Pasta is overly greasy and high-calorie product. The carbohydrates contained in the pasta, absolutely will turn into fat on your beautiful ass 🙂 quite fast… Think about it carefully before you eat at night.

Ice cream

Sweets before bed just don’t leave your body the chance to stay slender and fit. Fat and sugar – not what you should eat before bedtime, even though ice cream is undeniably delicious treat… get away from the coveted bag and eat the Goodies tomorrow morning

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