Home / Game / My Summer Car for a few days has become one of the best games on Steam

My Summer Car for a few days has become one of the best games on Steam

My Summer Car за несколько дней стала одной из лучших игр в SteamPlayers will have to literally in the details to create a car.

Project of independent developer under the name My Summer Car for a few days he won fame as one of the most successful games on Steam. After 4 days since the release of the game in early access, the number of reviews close to the mark in 1 thousand, the vast majority of which is positive.

My Summer Car is a kind of sandbox open world, the main task of which is to collect your own car from scratch, then to go to the rally. Players will have to literally in the details to create a car to sort out the carburetor, assemble the engine and tie it all together. This process is very laborious and engrossing. And it is worth to stumble once, and die like all have to start again.

The game was released in early access, but already at this stage there are a huge number of gameplay elements, content, and attention to detail. And that, apparently, and bribed players. Some of them indicate that the game is still not finalized, but then say that it is very addictive. And the history of each of the Steam is different. One tree fell, another middle of the road, the engine fell out due to poor Assembly, the third decided to drink at the wheel and overturned.

For all that the author of the game of Rhodiola Johann (Johannes Rojola) have paid attention to such domestic concerns as the need to eat food, alcoholic beverages and Smoking tobacco. When a recurring day-to-day sequence of events begins to tire, you can go to the sauna or to arrange your car photo shoot.

Rogala said that all elements of the game “the most realistic game for car enthusiasts” are already in place. In the future he plans to add to your project small new features and test and Polish the game to Shine. The owners of the game in early access can offer their own ideas for implementation.

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