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Local signs of the weather the summer of 2016

Let’s start a conversation about what we can expect weather of the upcoming summer, with the question: “And when it is considered that the summer has come?” It is commonly believed that summer begins with the first of June, and even before the first spring. But of farmers, workers of agriculture the summer comes with flowering rose, which in the suburbs is in high long term 6 Jun.

Theologou who follow the seasonal changes of nature, the summer begins with the third five days, with blooming viburnum (in Moscow — 13 June), summer astronomically begins on the winter solstice, June 22, when the sun moves from southern hemisphere to the Northern.
The following weather forecast for the summer is composed, as always, earlier, according to national signs, which are the fruit of years of observations. By profession I am a meteorologist, and a large number of our Russian I will take away the most important, from my point of view, for the forecast for the Central regions of the European territory of Russia (ETR). So, signs of people “tell” us:

Winter summer builds. The winter falls summer. Winter warmth and summer cold. Cold winter — hot summer. Winter snow — summer is rainy. A little snow in the winter — summer with infrequent rains. The winter is cold — summer is hot. If the winter blizzards, summer — storm.
We can assume that in the European territory of Russia this past winter was warm and enough snow. Taking into account these signs, we can expect that summer will be warm and moderately rainy.

What is the January is and July. If January is cold and July is hot and dry. In January, the frequent snowfalls and blizzards, in July will be frequent rains.

If February is rainy, then the same can be expected in the summer; but if pohodovy, foretells drought. February-cold, dry — hot August.

October 8 Sergius of Radonezh. The first dry snow promises a good summer. The first dry snow fell in places in Central and Northern areas. Summer we expect good.
6 Dec Mitrofan. If 6 Dec drizzle snow and wind from the North, June 6 will be a breeze from the North and the rain will leak. It was noted cloudy weather, North of the latitude of St. Petersburg, instead of snow, drizzling rain, sometimes quite strong. A sign promises a rainy June, at least in the beginning of the month.
January 13. Day Santa Malangi. If in the night the wind blows from the South, the year will be hot and safe, from the West to the abundance of milk and fish, from the East — expect a harvest of fruit. On the night of 13 January ETR was located over Eastern and South-Eastern periphery of the cyclone, but because the wind was South and South-East. A sign promises hot summers with an abundance of fruits.
On 19 January, the Baptism. Clear and cold weather to the dry summer. In most parts of the territory of ETR was observed variable cloudiness, that is not quite clear and not very cold weather.
January 21, Yemelyan Winter. “Emelyan, clocked Buran”. The wind blows from the South, promises a stormy summer. As they say meteorologists, over “blurred pressure field”, “Buran” was not, wind was weak, but from the South.
25 Jan. Tatiana Epiphany. Snow on Tatiana — the summer is rainy. During the day over the entire territory of ETR passed atmospheric front, stretching from North to South. Everywhere was full of clouds and snowfall.
28 Jan. Paul Pivarski. If the wind year will be raw. The weather led to the passage of broad fronts, but the wind was everywhere weak. It is hoped that the summer raw shouldn’t be.
10 Feb. Ephrem the Syrian, cyclinder, pribautki. On Ephraim windlifter — raw-the-fly. Above us was located in the Eastern periphery of the cyclone with fronts, but the winds were weak everywhere.
February 27, Kirill. On Cyril good weather — to cold. Sunny day on February 27 promises a good, warm summer. The day was Sunny, just North of line St. Petersburg — Vologda took the front. He brought cloudy weather with snowfalls.
March 2. What is the weather Fedora is the summer. Fog in the morning was considered a harbinger of the cold and rainy may. The weather of the day
led the cyclone with the center over Smolensk. The cyclone was bound by two systems of atmospheric fronts. South of the line Smolensk — Kaluga rains, and North of the continuous and heavy snowfall. The area of the most heavy snowfall held district of the Smolensk — Moscow — Yaroslavl — Ostashkov. Fog in the morning was not.
March 12. Basil Drip. I believe that this day is always a thaw. Beginner (new month), Eudoxia (14 March) with rain — fly to be wet. The thaw was, and snow with the rain, too, was in the center of the ETR.
March 14. Evdokia Plyushchikha. On Plyushchikha serene, the summer is mild. Overcast — the year of the poor. At Evdokia warm wind — summer is wet, siverko — cold. On Plyushchikha was fine, the wind is weak and very weak.
March 16. If the rook flew until March 14, to be a fly wet, and the snow will come sooner. In Moscow and in Obninsk rooks have arrived on March 6-8. Eat them until there was nothing, pushed the trash, flew away and came back after 2-3 days.
March 22. Magpies. If the matinees this day continues constantly, then the summer will be warm. On this day, the performances were, as always, then continued.
7 APR. The Annunciation. Wet the Annunciation mushroom summer. If the Annunciation the sky is cloudless and the sun bright, to be the summer storm. It was cloudy and rainy. The night passed atmospheric front. All along from North to South marked by continuous and torrential rains. In the afternoon of the rains was observed only East of the Meridian of Moscow, and from Moscow to the West were noted, partly cloudy, no precipitation. Let me suggest that omen gives hope for mushroom summer and lightning we should not expect.
April 13. If the early spring lightning, but no thunder heard, it is to the dry fly. By 10 April in the Internet appeared the message that in Moscow it was noted storm events. April 6th evening held a cool front marked by thunderstorms in the West. I don’t want to believe that the summer should be expected dry. First, April is not early spring, and secondly, lightning phenomena are observed only in two points, not throughout the region. And on April 13 over the entire area of the centre of ETR was observed variable cloudiness, associated with a diffuse warm front, the Rain was only in the Pskov region, where the front was pronounced better.
April 21. Rodion Ladolam meeting of the sun with month kind — clear day and good summer, slim — bad weather and bad summer. The entire territory of ETR on this day occupied the trough North of the cyclone with atmospheric front. It was secured by cloudy weather, places mentioned intermittent torrential rains. On a clear day it did not work, but “thin” — inclement weather was not.
May 11. Warm and starry night, to the harvest, and clear sunrise — windy summer. The night was starry and warm, the sunrise is clear.
May 13. A warm evening and a starry silent night — vedrenne, dry summers. Clear sunrise — vedrenne summer. From St. Petersburg to the North and eagle in the South of ETR, the evening was a warm, starry night and the sunrise is clear. Waiting for dry, vedrenne summer.
May 14. Eremi Zapravleny. A warm evening and a quiet starry night — vedrenne dry summer. And that day the evening was warm everywhere, the night quiet and starlit.

All the signs suggest that summer can be expected good, only one sign of the “promised” summer cloudy. On the basis of the air temperature, most promises summer normal, only two signs “spoke” over the summer, and warm and one for hot. And neither will predict a summer cold. The normal number of days with precipitation favored the most, eight will take many days with precipitation or six, and dry summers with small rain only three signs. June for all the considered parameters (clouds, temperature, precipitation) can expect a normal, within the long-term average. Only one sign suggested that the beginning of June, you can expect rain. In July, all the usual signs of promise, as always, the weather. August — the number of cloud (an overcast) days and the temperature also promises the usual, and the rains opinions were divided equally among the normal number of days in the month and a dry month.

So, we considered as “expressed” our local signs, but scientists in America and Japan, for many years, leading observing the behavior of the phenomenon El niño, drew attention to the fact that this year El niño has shifted significantly to the North of their normal latitude of the location. Scientists warn that this may indicate the impending hot, hot and dry summer in our area.

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