Home / Science and technology / Music “Vkontakte” will be listening on iPhone

Music “Vkontakte” will be listening on iPhone

Музыку  "Вконтакте" можно будет слушать на  iPhoneAgreements have been reached with all key holders.

Audio from the social network “Vkontakte” will again be available in our mobile app for the iOS operating system used in Apple products.

About it reported in a statement Mail.Ru Group, which owns the Russian social network.

To regain the access to music became possible thanks to agreements with the owners of Universal Music Group (UMG) and United Music Agency (UMA).

Also a number of related improvements will get a version of the social network for desktop computers.

Previously “Vkontakte” have already settled the issue of copyright with Warner Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment.

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