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VKontakte made music paid

ВКонтакте сделала музыку платной The social network made a paid app with legal music.

Russian social network Vkontakte, presented the first music app with legal content, listening to music, which will be paid.

App with legal music music Vkontakte works for mobile devices based on iOS operating system from Apple. The service has already appeared in the AppStore, it can enter through your account.

In the future music will be paid, but until the conditions of the application no information on the cost of the subscription.

Vkontakte music offers a Base tariff that allows you to listen to music for free for 90 days and download songs for a total duration of 60 minutes to listen to music without Internet access. At the end of the subscription period, this feature will become unavailable.

VKontakte has signed cooperation agreements with virtually all major copyright holders: Sony Music and Warner Music, which in the spring of 2014 demanded that the social network more than 35 million rubles as a compensation for piracy, and the First music publishing house, studios Soyuz and Nikitin. Mail.Ru Group will pay for playing music at least 10 million dollars a year.

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