Home / Incredible / Mexico have found the skeleton of a mammoth that lived 14 million years ago

Mexico have found the skeleton of a mammoth that lived 14 million years ago

У Мехико нашли скелет мамонта, который жил 14 тыс. лет назадIn total, the area of Mexico have discovered the remains of 50 mummies.

Mexican paleontologists have dug up the skeleton of a mammoth that lived 14 million years ago near present Mexico city. According to experts, the animal was killed and dismembered people, because his bones were scattered around.

As noted by the archaeologist Luis Cordoba, mammoth found in the village of Tultepec, at a depth of about two meters under the streets.

According to him, at the time of death the animal was 20 to 25 years, while preserving all the fragments of the skeleton, the tusks were not even separated from the skull.

Scientists hope to put multipackage skeleton of a mammoth in the Museum.

Some fragments of skeletons of mammoths in Mexico previously found at the place where once was located a small lake, in which was stuck a large mammoths.

In total, the area of Mexico have discovered the remains of 50 mummies.

Mammoths sight of Columbus – Mammuthus columbi was widely distributed on the American continent.

The remains of animals of this species found throughout Central America and also in Texas and California.

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