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Menopause and insomnia can accelerate the aging process

Менопауза и бессонница ускоряют старениеStudies have shown that menopause and insomnia are ageing women. Scientific work was conducted at the University of California in Los Angeles.

In the course of work the experts came to the conclusion that menopause is often accompanied by insomnia, this in turn leads to various diseases and premature aging female. Scientists have extensively studied the biological basis of relevance to aging.

In science it is called process metilirovaniya. The researchers took DNA samples from more than 3000 volunteers are female. All the girls took the initiative and wanted to participate in a major new work Women’s Health Initiative.

According to the leading professional Steve Gorvat, according to statistics, menopause can accelerate the aging process of women by 6%.

He also added that together with his research team intend to work on, to reveal causal relationships between sleep disorder and biological age of women.

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