Home / Medicine / Doctors gave useful tips suffering from symptoms of menopause

Doctors gave useful tips suffering from symptoms of menopause

Медики дали полезные советы страдающим симптомами менопаузы This is a problem for all women.

In Greek, the word “menopause” means “stairs”. And where to lead her step — up to the new challenges and joys, or down into the abyss of sadness and despair —largely depends on women themselves.

Menopause puts a clear dividing line between past and future. This is a fairly long and gradual process which may take a considerable period of time: up to 10 years or more.

Three steps

Menopause consists of three stages, or, to continue the comparison with a ladder of three steps.

The premenopausal — period prior to the cessation of menstruation. Usually starts after 40-45 years. Lasts from 3 to 7 years. Because of declining production of progesterone — hormone yellow body — first the monthly come more often than before, then, conversely, less frequent, and the discharge becomes more scarce. Also during this period due to hormone fluctuations can appear mood swings, increased sensitivity, irritability. Worsening memory and concentration. There are the first signs of aging: wrinkles, dry skin, overweight. Harbingers of pathological course of menopause, persistent fatigue, apathy, depression, insomnia or, conversely, increased sleepiness.

Menopause comes after the last in a woman’s life menstruation. On average, occur in 44-52. Lasts about 1.5 years. Almost every second women is associated with symptoms such as tides, pressure changes, dry mucous membranes, decreased libido, dizziness, tachycardia.

Postmenopausal the phase of complete ovarian failure. Continues until the end of life. The main danger of this period is not so much unpleasant symptoms but increased risk of developing many diseases.

Many women in menopause sigh of relief: you can no longer protect themselves. This misconception! After all, the absence of menstruation does not mean that the ovaries have completely finished its operation. On the contrary, what is happening at this time, the surges of hormones increase the chance of conception. The ovaries usually fade after 1-1,5 years after the last menstrual period. To make sure that the pregnancy is no longer possible, it is necessary to take a blood test to determine the level of the hormone FSH. Strong increase – a signal that the ovaries had no eggs and therefore the chances of new motherhood is no more. Meanwhile, continue to be protected!

Required Vice
Sex hormones control many processes in the body. When at the beginning of the climax of their balance starts to break down, it can give unpleasant symptoms. Should not be accumulating complaints, they should address to the gynecologist-endocrinologist. Your doctor may prescribe herbal medicines, which will improve the condition, or hormonal contraception, which in addition to protection against pregnancy will help to normalize the hormones that will smooth over the coming menopause.

When the ovaries finally “retire”, the woman with a pathological course of menopause together with the gynecologist-endocrinologist need to decide on the necessity of hormone replacement therapy, which will not only ease menopause symptoms, but also protect from dangerous pathologies. The fact is, that during the whole reproductive period, estrogen actively protect women from a variety of diseases: cardiovascular (heart attack and stroke), osteoporosis, urogenital disorders, thromboembolism. But with the beginning of menopause, this protection ceases to operate, so in women older than 50 years such diseases develop more often. While hormone replacement therapy reduces, for example, the risk of developing coronary heart disease by 30-40%. However, we must not forget that to assign such drugs can only be a doctor, their own can not be accepted in any case. Because this method is hard contraindications.

It is forbidden:

after a stroke, heart attack;
in severe liver disease;
in some types of tumors — even if, for example, is not the most patient and her mother had breast cancer.

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