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Four ways to reduce sweating

In summer this question becomes especially relevant, so the doctors told how to get rid of excessive sweating. The term hyperhidrosis (so called excessive sweating) occurs from Latin “Hyper” means increased and “hydro” – water. Most often, excessive sweating is our body responds to physical activity or high ambient temperature. …

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Stress affects men and women differently

Experts have told how the stress affects the male and female body. Experts have documented that depressed mood and stress can lead to a reduction in the duration of human life. Scientists from the University of Indiana believe that when people experience anxiety, they have in the body begins to …

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Named six painkillers products

Doctors called products with analgesic effect. Known nutritionist and member of the British Association for applied nutrition and nutritional therapy Salma Khan called the products that are best are struggling with pain. These foods are rich in natural anti-inflammatory properties and, unlike medications, have no side effects. Six products that …

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Named the benefits of prunes for bones

Doctors told, than useful for the prunes of the body. Regular consumption of prunes in the amount of 5-6 pieces per day can improve bone health. In the study, experts were given to women after menopause who were prone to weakening of bones as a result of lower levels of …

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Named the main useful properties of aloe Vera

Experts told, what may be helpful aloe. About aloe and its valuable properties known since the days of Ancient Egypt. This succulent contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes — a total of about 200 useful substances. The Egyptians called aloe the “plant of immortality” because of the …

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Developed a new method of fast recovery after a stroke

Doctors told about the new way rapid treatment of stroke. Injection of miniature magnetic beads, implantable in the blood of people affected by stroke, can revolutionize the treatment of this terrible disease, experts say. Innovative design helps to deliver therapeutic drugs through the circulatory system is 30 times faster than …

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To lose weight quickly will help cheese

Experts told how to lose weight on this diet. By itself, cottage cheese diet is suitable only for those who crazy loves dairy products. Since the cottage cheese will need to eat each day, and it needs to be fat not more than 9%. Homemade cottage cheese in your diet …

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