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Named six painkillers products

Названы шесть обезболивающих продуктовDoctors called products with analgesic effect.

Known nutritionist and member of the British Association for applied nutrition and nutritional therapy Salma Khan called the products that are best are struggling with pain.

These foods are rich in natural anti-inflammatory properties and, unlike medications, have no side effects.

Six products that reduce the pain:

Cherry. These berries contain powerful antioxidants, anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation and block pain, as aspirin. According to experts, athletes who regularly consume tart cherry juice, preparing for competitions, experience less muscle pain.

Blueberries. The use of blueberry can alleviate the pain, as these little blue berries contain heat shock proteins, anthocyanins and tannins, which act as an anti-inflammatory and reduce swelling. Swedish researchers have found that blueberries eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of colitis, pain in the colon and facilitates defecation.

Celery seed in its composition have several anti-inflammatory compounds, including potent substances apigenin. Experts say that celery seed is particularly effective in combating pain caused by arthritis and gout.

Ginger. This root can be used not only to enhance immunity, but also as an adjuvant for pain relief. Ginger is rich in pain killers such as gingerol, Panadol, shogaol and zingerone. Studies show that ginger can act as aspirin or ibuprofen.

Turmeric. The extract curcumin, which is in the dressing, reduces pain, relieves swelling and acts as effectively as ibuprofen.

Cayenne pepper. The composition of hot pepper contains the powerful anti-inflammatory component, capsaicin. He is able to block the signals of pain.

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