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Conventional products for cleaning vessels

They contribute to the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Cleansing vessels folk remedies is quite effective and affordable solution to the problems in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Getting rid of the cholesterol plaques contributes to the extension of the lumen of blood vessels, normalize …

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To recover from depression can be a year – doctors

Experts have told how much you can rid of depression. Experts say that 40% of adults are able to get rid of his depression just over a year. Scientific publications have reported, the results of long research, scientists have concluded that each of the third depression can be eliminated in …

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Named products to improve memory

Experts told, what foods have a positive effect on memory. Everyone knows that proper nutrition is very useful for our health. Some foods can positively affect our muscular system, lungs and bronchi, cardiovascular system and even brain. List of best foods for common thinking and excellent memory. Whole-grain products. The …

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How to lose weight in one week before the holiday

Experts told how to lose weight in just one week. How to effectively lose weight to the release – said the expert. Despite the fact that ghrelin has an impact on the pituitary gland in the brain, its production occurs in the stomach and in the brain it penetrates through …

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Named the main danger of Tums

Doctors told what is dangerous heartburn pills. Heartburn pills that take daily millions of people around the globe, can increase the risk of dementia, heart attacks and kidney problems, warn experts from the American research Institute of Houston. Scientists discovered that these drugs, called proton pump inhibitors (PPIS), can accelerate …

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The scientists said, when you don’t drink coffee

Sometimes a refreshing drink should be abandoned. Europe, North and South America, Africa start your day with a Cup of strong coffee. Many consider it a full Breakfast. At lunch time coffee is one of the most popular soft drinks, who opt for people of different professions, age and social …

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Named the main symptoms at onset of depression

Many people suffering from depression, realize it only at a fairly late stage of the disease. The feeling of sadness is an obvious symptom of depression, but those who constantly experiences, often do not realize that they are suffering from a serious psychological disorder. It does not allow the timely …

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