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Doctors told about the beneficial properties of fat

It is not only delicious, but also useful. Salo is an animal fat, and he needed the body as well as vegetable fat. It’s not just fat, but subcutaneous fat, which contains cells and preserved biologically active substances. The daily share is necessary for our body fat 60-80 grams per …

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The most useful juices for men’s health

Juice — is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals for your body. They do not create strain on the stomach and provide the body the necessary supply of valuable substances. Pomegranate juice is useful for male potency, as it affects the nitric oxide and relaxes blood vessels, improving blood …

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Named basic nutrition rules for people with poor eyesight

The rules described in the book “Good vision without glasses”. Diet plays such an important role in the causes of defects of vision (and its treatment), it is necessary to comment briefly on some of the most significant provisions of the notes by Harry Benjamin in his book “Good vision …

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Doctors told, what determines the healing process

Research Medical school of the University of Washington. Medical school of Washington University found: if the body lacks two proteins, the wounds don’t heal properly. This discovery is important not only for patients with chronic wounds, but also for those who have observed anomalous growth of blood vessels (as in …

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Effective treatment of osteoarthritis folk remedies

Low back pain is an insidious disease that affects the cartilage and in the later stages — bone elements of the spine. Traditional methods osteochondrosis will help with medications, ecologically clean herbs will help to reduce the amount of chemicals that have to be taken orally. Just remember that it …

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Named the main cause of poor immunity

Doctors called the root cause of low immunity. Experts from the University of London believe that malnutrition may cause immunosuppression. This is evidenced by the number of studies that they managed to hold. From the words of the scientists themselves, it follows that the factor of poor nutrition certainly affects …

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