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Miraculous properties of honey water

8 reasons to drink honey water daily.Honey water is an amazing tool available to absolutely everyone. Drink it empty stomach in the morning and always stay healthy and beautiful. 1. Normalizes digestion. Improves all parts of the digestive tract. 2. Boosts the immune system. Pass chronic colds, bronchitis, liquefies and …

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Named the products that will help to clear the arteries

10 foods that clean arteries and protect the heart.Now doctors and nutritionists offers many recipes with all sorts of juices, cocktails and various other drinks that help cleanse the body and improve metabolism. Meanwhile, nature has provided us with products that do the same function. We offer products that will …

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This berry reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cancer

Scientists suggest eating a berry. According to experts from the Illinois Institute of technology, Malina is able to protect people not only from deadly cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and liver disease, but also from dementia. It turns out that this berry reduces the level of inflammation associated with dementia. Numerous studies …

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Doctors told how to normalize blood pressure without pills

A healthy lifestyle helps to cope with many problems. There are many ways to normalize blood pressure, not necessarily using medicines. There are much better medications as they do not lead to undesirable side effects and does not cause dependence.In order to normalize the pressure, it is necessary, first, to …

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Named the most nutritious types of coffee

It’s worth considering. Some types of coffee such as latte, contain 24 grams of saturated fat, which is more than recommended for women 20 grams of fat a day, and 74 g of sugar, equivalent to 18 teaspoons. The British dietetic Association recommends adults consume no more than 60g of …

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These factors that slow down metabolism

Fast metabolism – the key to harmony. One of the biggest culprits of weight gain and low efficiency of diet — slow metabolism in the body. The secret harmony of many skinny women not in debilitating starvation or regular visits to the gym, but only just, in an accelerated metabolism.A …

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Scientists have determined the daily intake of sugar

The recommendation of the world health organization. Getting too much energy from fats or carbohydrates, including sugar, you gain weight. If this trend under control do not hold, increasing the risk of diseases associated with lifestyle. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer, for example, particularly dangerous for people …

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