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What products used for weight loss in different countries

A list of the most popular products that successfully cope with the function of weight loss. Not, there are women who never dieted or tried to lose weight (even if she didn’t have one). The best recommendation to give nutritionists: to not worry about losing weight, just don’t let yourself …

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Doctors told to whom it is useful to drink beet juice

The beetroot juice dilates blood vessels Drinking beet juice is especially useful for older people, the researchers found. I believe that you don’t have enough energy to lead a more active lifestyle? Then you will be useful beetroot juice — it dilates blood vessels and reduces the amount of oxygen …

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It became known, how often can you eat fast food

How often has one of the most harmful products in the world. We have all heard about the dangers of junk food – but at least sometimes allow ourselves. BurgersThe caloric content of the burgers can vary a lot depending on their toppings. So, the regular Burger is about 255 …

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The student invented a real salvation for Allergy sufferers

The student invented a device useful for Allergy sufferers. This device is aimed at scanning the air and the definition therein of certain allergens. The development of Dmitry Subbotin’s the name of the author is already appreciated at the international exhibition in China. To date, the device is tested on …

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Invented membrane, accelerating the healing of fractures

Orthopedic membrane called “wrapping paper” to the bone. This invention is indeed designed to ensure the integrity of the fracture, protecting against the penetration into the affected area of pathogens. Simultaneously, orthopedic membrane RegenCure does not prevent the normal flow of lymph and blood, which is the key physiological fracture …

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What signals the body reported serious diseases

The human body itself will tell you when he is unwell. The human body is programmed to the coordinated work of all its systems. And if health is starting to threaten, appear certain signals. Most often warn about the dangers of pain. In most cases, taken pills so the pain …

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