Home / Medicine / Scientists have refuted the main stereotype of physical exercise.

Scientists have refuted the main stereotype of physical exercise.

Ученые опровергли главный стереотип физических упражнений.Excessive gravity does not accelerate muscle growth.

Employees of McMaster University proved to build muscle you don’t have to bother lifting extreme weights. Even light weights will do the trick.

It proved a 12-week experiment, which involved two groups of men.

Both groups trained until until you feel muscle fatigue. But the first group used a fairly large weight (up to 90% of maximum repetitions in the range from 8 to 12 times). And the second group worked with moderate weights (up to 50% of the allowable load and 20-25 reps).

At the end of the experiment, the researchers assessed the condition of the muscle tissue of volunteers. It turned out, a number of indicators (increase in mass and size of muscle fibers) results in the groups was similar. So there is no need to subject the body to heavy loads and to exert himself.

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