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Scientists have confirmed that wisdom comes with age

With age people become wiser and judicious. Experiments involving the elderly and young people showed that the elderly take a more thoughtful and less impulsive decisions than the young. As confirmed by scientists from the US, wisdom does come with age. Two experiments conducted at the University of Texas, USA, …

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NAPs can significantly reduce the life of

After forty years of a day it is better not to sleep. Scientists from Cambridge University have found that the habit to sleep a couple of hours a day can shorten a person’s life by a third. A pattern of British experts have identified through years of extensive research. Scientists …

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These products can cheer up no worse than coffee

They also have invigorating properties. Do you think that me and chase away so sudden onset of drowsiness is the best way of coffee? There are thirteen products, which can return high tone much better coffee beverage. Chocolate One chocolate energizes for a few hours. If in the morning eat …

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These foods can provoke a headache

Certain foods may cause a negative reaction in the body. Headache in humans cause not only chronic diseases and fatigue. Also to blame may be some products. Below we provide a list of foods that can trigger headaches. Red wine Any alcohol is harmful to the brain in large quantities, …

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The doctors called seven main causes of hypotension

Low blood pressure and its main causes. Hypotension (scientifically – hypotension) is a condition when the measurement of pressure tonometer shows the numbers below 105/70 mm Hg. article usually accompanied by weakness, dizziness, headaches, nausea. 1. There are people who have low blood pressure is an inherent feature of the …

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Doctors told how to get rid of edema.

This problem is familiar to many. In many cases, the extra weight is not even a predominance of fat in the subcutaneous fat layer, and the accumulation of excess fluid. The water in the body tends to accumulate for various reasons and to provoke disorders in the kidneys or heart, …

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Scientists have learned the secret of perfect sex

You need to relax and have fun. Due to the fact that in the modern television too many pictures of a sexual nature, many couples expect more from intimate life. But scientists believe that the secret of good sex is very simple. To get the maximum pleasure from sex, you …

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