Home / Medicine / The doctors called seven main causes of hypotension

The doctors called seven main causes of hypotension

Врачи назвали семь основных причин гипотонииLow blood pressure and its main causes.

Hypotension (scientifically – hypotension) is a condition when the measurement of pressure tonometer shows the numbers below 105/70 mm Hg. article usually accompanied by weakness, dizziness, headaches, nausea.

1. There are people who have low blood pressure is an inherent feature of the autonomic nervous system. This people the so-called asthenic type (usually they have a fragile or light brown hair, pale skin), about 7% of the population. They are not very stamina and efficiency, but live quite an active life and do not feel your low pressure. But the pressure increase even to the borders of the norm (120/80) suffer very badly.

2. Low blood pressure is often a symptom of the failure of heart activity when the heart pumps blood worse and impaired vascular tone. Often this condition comes on the background of inflammatory diseases of the heart, endo – and myocarditis, which in half of the cases develop as a complication after sore throats and flu. Hypotonia also accompanies diseases associated with disorders of the nervous regulation of the heart (various arrhythmias and blockades). All these violations are clearly visible on the ECG.

3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia on hypotonic type (scientifically called neuro-circulatory dystonia). Because there are two reactions in this state: sympathoadrenal and parasympathetic (acetylcholine).

Psychiatrists joke that the soul of man is not in the heart, and kidney – because the adrenal gland produces hormones of stress:
– Adrenaline (the”aggressive hormone”) excites, causes a feeling of heat, rush of blood to the head, high blood pressure, sweating, aggressive irritability, dysphoria (irritable, grumpy mood).
– Acetylcholine (“hormone of weakness”), in contrast, lowers blood pressure, causes cold sweats, fever, irritable weakness, a feeling of sadness and infirmities.
– And someone there are cases of mixed attacks, when acetylcholine and adrenaline reaction alternate. This gives the pressure surges, the person literally throws that in heat, in cold.

4. The pressure decrease can be a side effect of some medications. “Drop” the pressure can:
– cardiac drugs (drugs nitroglycerin, beta-blockers),
– large doses of antibiotics,
– antispasmodics and painkillers,
– large doses of “simple” sedatives (Corvalol, valocordin, tincture of peony and motherwort). Valerian has a more mild effect.

5. The sudden pressure drop happens in the aggravation of ulcer of the stomach, an attack of pancreatitis. Typically, such a state, in addition to pain in the stomach, accompanied by General weakness, cold sweat. This is symptomatic hypotension, which disappear as soon as you heal your stomach.
Also, the pressure always drops when any bleeding: nasal, hemorrhoidal.

6. Hypotension is almost always accompanied by some kinds of depression:
– asthenic – and depression exhaustion. If it is dominated by feelings of fatigue, apparently is a shade of fatigue, a person may even to lose serious weight.
– apathetic. It is characterized by a complete indifference to the environment, don’t want to, “nothing pleases, doesn’t hurt…”
– anhedonics. This loss of a sense of joy. The oversaturation of emotions, a sense of mental impasse. Depression of great emperors and successful businessmen.

7. In completely healthy people pressure can dramatically fall after procedures that cause expansion of blood vessels – the Russian bath, sauna, thermal baths, wraps. So everyone, especially the elderly, need to very carefully monitor the pressure, if you go to a steam bath. Shouldn’t be in the steam room longer than 5-7 minutes at a time. Even if you are a lover of bath procedures, you need to take breaks, and in any case not to drink or to bath, or after alcohol.

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