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Unusual feature cinnamon, which you didn’t know

Cinnamon is a spice, but it has amazing properties. Dr. Calidad Pahad from the University of Pash conducted a unique study in which he was able to figure out how cinnamon can affect the human body. It turns out that this product has a special property, which previously was not …

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Asprin reduces risk of stroke

Available drug can significantly reduce the risk of stroke. If you take aspirin regularly, it reduces the risk of death in case of stroke. To such conclusion researchers from University of Aberdeen. More than 500 thousand patients regularly drank aspirin for life. Observations of scientists has shown that if you …

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Six habits that harm the kidneys

Became known, some habits can harm the kidneys.Kidney is an efficient, highly organized incredible cleaning machine. That’s why it’s so important to maintain their health and from time to time to check on him. To prevent problems, you should better understand which habits can harm your kidneys. We will tell …

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Effective folk remedies for back pain

Are some effective recipes to help.For pain in the back and the spine very effectively used traditional medicines, but before applying best to consult with your doctor. A few suggested recipes will help to relieve pain and inflammation in the spine caused by osteochondrosis and spondiloarthrosis. Valerian. Pour into a …

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Rejuvenating gymnastics from wrinkles round eyes

Training effective against crow’s feet. Simple exercises from wrinkles should not be underestimated. Of course, with irreversible age-related skin changes, when the face is clearly visible deep furrows running exercises will help only partly. But even in such cases, daily exercises for face wrinkles will help increase skin turgor, and …

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These products will help get rid of excess weight

TOP 7 healthy foods for weight loss and reduce appetite.Doctors and fitness trainers suggest to approach the issue comprehensively weight loss. It is not necessary to eat only green apples with or without prior training to do hundreds of push-UPS. It is important not to lose the sense of proportion, …

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Scientists said how the weather effect on mood

Dutch scientists decided to find out whether our mood depends on whether the sun shines or rain falls. As you know, weather has a significant impact on the emotional state of a person. Some of us get depressed when they start pouring autumn rains, others feel a surge of happiness …

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Carbonated beverages can cause deadly disease

Carbonated water may cause cancer. The consumption of sugary carbonated beverages can cause a rare form of cancer. The corresponding statement was made by scientists-the staff of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. They said that the water begins to raise the sugar level and causes problems such as obesity and …

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