Home / Medicine / British nutritionists have suggested how to quickly get rid of extra pounds

British nutritionists have suggested how to quickly get rid of extra pounds

Британские диетологи подсказали, как быстро избавиться от лишних килограмм The benefits of chicken soup has long been known, but British nutritionists made him a key dish of a diet which will allow you to lose weight in a matter of days.

This Express diet for three days, but if you want to achieve great results, after a short break, can be repeated, gradually increasing to 12-15 days.

The first day

Breakfast: oatmeal with grated hazelnuts, almonds and a little honey.

The second Breakfast: 100 grams of chicken breast and a Cup of broth.

Lunch: steamed vegetables and one baked potato. 15 minutes before lunch, again you need to drink chicken broth (200 ml).

2 hours before dinner, you can eat a jar of yogurt and any fruit.

Dinner: three tablespoons of boiled brown rice, 50 grams of green beans, then a salad of cucumbers and greens.

The second day

Breakfast: cottage cheese or cheese (100-150 grams) of any fruit.

Second Breakfast: the same products.

Lunch: Cup of chicken broth and vegetable salad, one slice of bread from the flour and a small piece of low fat cheese.

Snack: 20 grams of dark chocolate.

Dinner: cream soup (mix in a blender with 200 ml chicken stock, 200 grams of boiled broccoli and 1 boiled potato 100 grams of chicken breast and a tablespoon of sour cream, do not add salt. You can use any spices.

The third day

Breakfast: a pair of toast with natural peanut butter and a large green Apple.

Lunch: repeat as in previous days.

Lunch: risotto of brown rice with seafood and vegetable salad with onion and olive oil.

Snack: about 50 grams of pumpkin seeds.

Dinner: fruit salad, half chicken breast and two to three tablespoons of unsalted rice.

The authors of this program claim that in three days you can get rid of 2.5-3 kilograms. If you use this diet with 1-2 day intervals for 12-14 days, then you can lose weight up to 6-7 kg.

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