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Named the most useful during a diet cheese

Not all cheeses can be eaten on the diet. Many people love cheese. Despite the fact that often it is the main ingredient of harmful meals such as pizza, cheeseburgers and chips, with proper use and combined with healthy foods cheese may be advantageous to Supplement your diet. Cheese contains …

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Foods that act like drugs

There are certain foods that affect us like drugs. Coffee. Scientists believe that the body very quickly becomes accustomed to the bracing effect of coffee. The cause is caffeine which is a stimulant of the nervous system. Experts believe that over time, you literally will not be able to work …

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These products should not eat on an empty stomach

This can cause problems with the stomach. Morning is the best time of the day, it all starts again, you awaken with renewed vigor. To day was a success, start with a proper Breakfast. After all, how you feel throughout the day depends on the Breakfast very much. Breakfast need …

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Named the most useful types of nuts

They have many useful substances. PeanutsThe most popular nut among athletes. Its value is in its high protein content and low cost. You can buy it anywhere, even in the metro on the way to work. In addition to 26% protein, peanuts contains 45% of vegetable oils, folic acid, vitamins …

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Called morning habits that can ruin your whole day

Ask yourself the right pace early in the day is very important. Unfortunately, many people deliberately do things that keep them well and to spend the day. Your Breakfast is too small. Breakfast many of us often limited to a Cup of tea and scrambled eggs. But we forget that …

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Doctors called 10 reasons to give up coffee

Coffee – not the best drink for health. Each of us probably heard that coffee is not very healthy drink, but about what kind of impact on the human body has its excessive consumption, many of us can only guess. Experts propose to your attention the top ten specific and …

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High blood pressure: 7 real reasons

High blood pressure is a fairly common disease. Why in fact, every second of us getting high blood pressure, say the experts. High is the pressure more than 130/90 units. It is called as arterial hypertension (AH). And in each tenth case of high blood pressure is a symptom of …

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