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Foods that act like drugs

Продукты питания, действующие как наркотики There are certain foods that affect us like drugs.

Coffee. Scientists believe that the body very quickly becomes accustomed to the bracing effect of coffee. The cause is caffeine which is a stimulant of the nervous system.

Experts believe that over time, you literally will not be able to work and think without a Cup of coffee.

Chocolate. Chocolate stimulates areas of the brain responsible for pleasure. As you know, happiness does not happen much. Only one way out – again and again to indulge your sweet tooth.

Cheese. Many scientists believe that cheese is more addictive than coffee or chocolate. The thing in the protein casein, whose action is similar to morphine. Although casein can not be called a drug, it also has relaxing properties.

Sweet soda. Regular drinking of fizzy drinks can not only cause addiction, but also to radically change the metabolism. Moreover, according to the doctors, just one month, every day drinking soda to change the metabolism for the worse.

Smoked. Believe me, natural meat there is negligible. But the additives and preservatives galore. It is these substances and are addictive. Sausages and ham can cause weight gain, lead to problems with the cardiovascular system and even death.

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