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These products will help to stabilize blood sugar levels

Cinnamon, pumpkin, carrot and other products. Craving for sweets is often harmful, because it leads to obesity and diabetes. But there is a product, using which we don’t harm themselves, because they have a natural sweetness. Unique in this case cinnamon, it does not “jump” to the level of blood …

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Best coffee mask for skin beauty and hair

Coffee not only invigorates, but also makes skin beautiful. Coffee has a number of beneficial properties for the skin. It makes it elastic and resilient, cleans and removes inflammation. Also a dark liquid strengthens the hair and brunettes and brown Shine. Try the following coffee mask. 1. Refreshing mask For …

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The main signs of dehydration

It is important not to forget to drink plain, clean water. 60% of adult human body consists of normal water, doctors say. That is why the liquid is extremely important for the body. Especially in the summer heat. The doctors say that the consequences of dehydration is extremely underrated, partly …

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Pediatricians explained why strollers harmful to children

Long being in a wheelchair prevents children to explore the world. Experts warn that too frequent and prolonged use of strollers and seats can cause considerable damage to the health of the baby. The thing is that in this way parents reduce the time they can spend productively, interacting with …

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The use of these drinks will help to lose weight

They have fat burning properties. If you want to become slimmer, it is important to watch not only what you eat but also what you drink. Ginger tea The combination of ginger and tea leaves facilitates the release of body fat from the “familiar” places. This tea tones up and …

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Simple exercises to strengthen the blood vessels

Physical activity will improve muscle tone and elasticity of blood vessels. Age-related changes or illness take away our body to its former strength. Weak muscles, bones become brittle, lose their elasticity vessels. However, we sufficiently can influence this process to improve the quality of life. Research over and over again …

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The usual Breakfast can harm the health

Their benefit is often exaggerated. Choosing what Breakfast place, keep in mind that the morning meal is important not only for shape, but for good health. A proper Breakfast not only helps the body to Wake up, it starts the metabolism and the digestive system for the day. Therefore, the …

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Compliance with these rules will protect the pancreas

A healthy lifestyle is the key to longevity. The pancreas is reminded of the unpleasant pain in the upper quadrant just at the time of the disorder or disease. In our body it is located behind the stomach and is responsible for the production of gastric juices for digestion. Is …

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Life: gymnastics office for prevention of osteoarthritis

Gymnastics in osteochondrosis should be a necessity for the patient. The proposed set of exercises designed specifically for people in “sedentary” occupations to prevent the development of osteoarthritis. It can be carried without leaving the workplace. Perform all movements smoothly, an average or a slow pace. Breathe evenly, not holding …

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