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Media: the new iPhone 7 exploded in the hands of the owner

СМИ: новый iPhone 7 взорвался в руках у владельцаThe owner miraculously escaped unharmed when the gadget exploded inside the box.

The first case of an exploding iPhone 7 were recorded in China.

The owner of the gadget with the nickname kroopthesnoop told about the incident to Reddit and posted a picture of the burnt device.

Admitted as a resident of China, the explosion happened when the iPhone 7 was inside the box. Apparatus for unclear reasons, is heated and puffed, and the man threw it on the floor uninjured.

Published in the network, the shows that smartphone deformed body and a separated glass panel after the explosion.

At the same time, Internet users put this information into question by a certain mismatch of the image – the iPhone 7 is made in the color “rose gold” at the time, as the frame is black.

About the authenticity of the photos hard to judge. It is known that Apple has already been cases of explosion of smartphones, however, it was typical for the earlier models.

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