Home / Incredible / Mankind is threatened by large-scale disaster, scientists

Mankind is threatened by large-scale disaster, scientists

Человечеству угрожает масштабная катастрофа, - ученыеIt became known as the changes the Earth in 100 years.

Theoretical modeling of the climatic processes, which was held by NASA scientists, showed how it will look Earth after 100 years.

Experts believe that within a century the Earth will change significantly, will also change the conditions for life of people, and for the worse. This will contribute to global warming, which will begin the rapid melting of glaciers and rising global sea level. As a result, the water will be absorbed by the vast areas.

Also global warming will cause many natural disasters – earthquakes, tornadoes, storms and fires. The drought, which will come in some regions, will increase the number of refugees seeking to enter more favorable conditions.

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