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Mankind is threatened by a global catastrophe, scientists

Человечеству угрожает глобальная катастрофа, - ученыеFlies to the Earth a huge asteroid is a monster.

NASA said that the Earth at high speed flying huge asteroid 2006 ВО41.

Its diameter is about 700 meters, and a collision with our planet it can cause significant damage, according to the NASA website.

NASA experts are watching this cosmic body since 2004. They have not yet succeeded to establish the exact trajectory of the asteroid. As the researchers note, September 17, he can pass at the distance of 857 thousand kilometers from Earth. In the worst scenario, this asteroid will slam into our planet. And the consequences of a collision would be catastrophic.

So, in 1908, a large meteorite fell near the Siberian Tunguska river, which gave him the title. The Tunguska meteorite provoked an earthquake in five points. He also caused significant harm to flora and fauna within a radius of a few tens of kilometers from the drop zone.

The consequences of collision of Earth with a 2006 ВО41 will be even more disastrous, scientists believe.

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