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These dangerous asteroids can easily destroy the planet. Photo

Эти опасные астероиды могут с легкостью уничтожить планету. ФотоApproximately every 80 thousand years on our earth falls a meteorite with a diameter of about 300 meters.

Small asteroids attack the Earth regularly, but they burn in the dense layers of the atmosphere. However, large meteorites have fallen on our planet and, unfortunately, will fall again. It is only a matter of time. Evidence enough and they all lie on the surface of our planet in the form of huge craters, and fossils of living organisms, which had halted. But today astronomers are able to detect fairly large objects approaching the earth. Let’s see potentially dangerous asteroids, as well as those that have attacked us thousands of years ago.

1. Comet Hyakutake Is.

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This comet passed very close to Earth in 1996. The comet passed so close it was visible with the naked eye. And it was amazingly beautiful, but dangerous. It had a colossal size is 4.1 km in diameter and had a very long tail. The comet passed at a distance of 15.2 million km from Earth. It’s a big distance, but in astronomical scales it is negligible.

2. 2000 FL 10 / Asteroid 86666.

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This asteroid was at 24.1 million kilometers from earth. Its width was 2.4 km and a collision with Earth it would cause a global cataclysm, if anything had changed its orbit.

3. 2014-YB35.

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Asteroid 2014-YB35 the size of a small mountain and in 2015, it was only 6.4 million km from Earth. Worst of all, the asteroid is moving in a circular orbit, this means that he’ll be back and will be held at a closer distance. Second, the expected convergence will occur in 2033.

4. 1950 DA.

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This asteroid had every chance to crash into the Ground. Its diameter is 1 km away and the chance of falling into the Ground – 2%! An asteroid might come back in the year 2880.

5. Apophis.

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This asteroid was named after an ancient Egyptian mythological demon and scientists-astronomers are seriously worried that this demon will lead to the end of our civilization. Apophis will approach the Earth in 2004. The next convergence will occur in 2029, and if the asteroid passes through the so-called gravitational keyhole in 2036, it is guaranteed to strike the Earth.

6. Benn.

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Another asteroid that could destroy us all. NASA missions are being planned to clarify the position of the asteroid and the rejection of its trajectory away from Earth.

7. Manicouagan.

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This massive crater is a reminder that the threat of falling asteroids are real. Manicouagan formed 215 million years ago from hitting the 5 kilometer asteroid.

8. Woodley.

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There is some debate about how big the crater Woodley really. Some say that the crater, located in Australia, is only 60 km wide. But others say that it is only the center of the crater and its real size twice. It is believed that more than 40% of life on Earth disappeared during the fall of the asteroid that formed the crater.

9. The Chesapeake impact crater.

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The meteorite that formed the crater struck the Earth 35 million years ago on the coast of the Atlantic ocean.

10. Vredefort.

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Crater Vredefort in South Africa is the largest impact crater on Earth. It has 300 km in diameter and it has created one of the biggest meteorites ever collided with the Earth. The collision occurred 2 billion years ago and it had a huge impact on all life on Earth.

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