Home / Incredible / Life on Mars was originated in the ancient “ice cauldrons”

Life on Mars was originated in the ancient “ice cauldrons”

Жизнь на Марсе могла зародиться в древних "ледяных котлах"Mysterious crater on Mars may be the best place to search for life.

On the surface of Mars discovered an unusual crater, which, you may want to look for traces of life.

To such conclusion scientists from the University of Texas at Austin.

“We noticed this place because it looks like there are three necessary components of life: water, heat, mineral elements,” explained author Joseph levy.

Depression is on the plain Hellas – rounded lowland in the southern hemisphere. The same funnel was found in the region of Galaxias Fossae. According to scientists, discovered cavities similar to the so-called ice cauldrons, formed in the Iceland and Greenland under glaciers, where volcanoes erupt. Using mathematical modeling, scientists calculated the amount of the substance, the disappearance of which led to the failures of 2.4 and 0.2 cubic kilometers for the first and second funnels. In all probability, the failures were formed as on Earth, due to the melting of ice.

According to scientists, during this process for a long time present liquid water, and perhaps existed in primitive organisms. Therefore, such a funnel may be of interest from the point of view of astrobiology.

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