Home / Incredible / Kuwait recorded the hottest day in the history of the Earth

Kuwait recorded the hottest day in the history of the Earth

В Кувейте зафиксировали самый жаркий день за всю историю ЗемлиOn July 21 in Kuwait recorded as the hottest day on the planet Earth for the time when humanity measures the temperature of the air.

This year July 21 was the hottest day for the entire period of the measurement temperature.

So says scientist and an expert on the study of the history of weather Christopher Burt. He found that in Kuwait city Mitzvah day mark thermometer reached a blistering 54 degrees Celsius. It’s summer in Kuwait is the hottest in this regard, the electrical appliances often fail.

Previously, the record temperature on Earth was 53.9 ° f, which was observed in some areas in Iraq.

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