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Invented a device to determine the indicator of dehydration

Придумано устройство для определения показателя обезвоживания организма The device detects the slightest change in the color of blood.

The company BSX Athletics has developed a wearable device with LVL is designed to monitor the level of dehydration.

Water-resistant device uses short beams of infrared light that are emitted from the gadget and pass through the skin of the user. The gadget is worn on the wrist and analyzes the light that comes back.

With the help of optical sensors LVL detects minute changes in the color of the blood that indicate how much moisture is lost by the user as a result of perspiration. When these indicators are on the verge of dehydration, the device sends a signal to the user and shows what volume of water you need to drink in order to rectify the situation.

The device can also track heart rate, sleep quality, activity and calories burned. The device can be synchronized with smartphones based on operating systems iOS and Android. In September last year, Apple launched the updates for the Apple Watch.

One of the innovations helps doctors to monitor patients. Moreover, with the help of this application, an expectant mother can monitor the baby’s heartbeat and monitor his condition while he is still in the womb.

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