Home / Science and technology / In Ukraine began to massively hack gadgets

In Ukraine began to massively hack gadgets

В Украине начали массово взламывать гаджетыScammers use the virus software for access to information on the gadgets.

With the help of this equipment could gain access to sensitive information in the smartphone or tablet and can not only monitor the device owner, but to steal money from accounts. Therefore, experts recommend a cautious use of the free Wi-Fi and not to install the breaks, which offer full access to file system devices.

There is a very low level of awareness of Ukrainians about malware in General, and actually about protecting mobile devices from cyber attacks. Even that connection to the Internet via a public network or a hotspot Wi-Fi may pose a threat to the confidential data of our citizens think is rare. Many people even at risk to carry out payment transactions using free Wi-Fi”.

To protect yourself from attack, you can follow simple rules: – install the antivirus program; – do not make confidential information in the form of Internet resources; -download apps only from official stores.

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