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In the work of the popular social network was a large-scale failure

В работе популярной соцсети произошел масштабный сбойThe social network has changed the algorithm output friends.

A small change, which occurred on the pages of users of social network Vkontakte, has led to the emergence of the real panic.

The owners of the private pages, you noticed that I changed the order in which you appear friends and community are signed. Almost immediately, the network appeared a huge number of discussions on this topic.

Before the algorithm output friends worked on the basis of the number of calls to the user’s page, taking into account the intensity of communication with that person. About the same work and sorting community. In late September, many have noticed that the location of the friends list has changed dramatically, which led to panic: what if the system removed my friends? In fact, no friends and the community have not been removed, just been a massive failure. The company’s management has not commented, but experts are already working to remedy the consequences.

The users themselves have tried to define the algorithm, which is now sorted entries, but this has not been done.

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