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In the network appeared information about updates, computer game Skyforge

В сети появилась информация об обновлениях компьютерной игры Skyforge Developers at Allods Team shared information about future updates, computer games Skyforge.

They will affect all areas of action from battle system to character development.

The update is called “New era”. It is, according to experts, will completely transform the game and that will be interesting for gamers. Old adventure after the upgrade will have a new look and also usovershenstvuetsya all systems. In addition, for users will be available a special map regions where you will see FORTS and temples. Also on it, users see special notes for players, designed for seamless improvement of your character. In Skyforge will be a new political structure – the Council of the Gods”.

This system will involve players who will do the fate of Elyon. And they aren’t forbidden to act to achieve personal goals. Among the characters will be a mighty Tol-Monter shooter with two guns. By the way, the updates will be available for users later this fall.

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