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Fukuyama said. Trump will do?

Actually this should have been comment on before. However, this was not fulfilled.
But now we can see – though the time from the date of publication peer-reviewed articles, it took many, subsequent events confirmed the relevance and accuracy of the stated analysis of the situation.
So, better late than never – the expert opinion of the famous American political scientist Francis Fukuyama (Francis Fukuyama), formulated in the pages of the American magazine “The American Interest”. Note that this edition publishes materials, mainly on international politics and the global economy. But, in this case, the author took up the political problems of the United States.
By the way, leads the magazine himself, Francis Fukuyama, as among the members of the editorial Board are well — known personalities, in particular, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Published authors from the Carnegie Foundation. I guess the position from which the authors speak, is clear. In this edition of pluralism no.
Fukuyama became world famous after his work the early 1990-ies the “End of history” spared, almost the whole world:

Фукуяма сказал. Трамп сделает?However then it became clear that the author is much mistaken in his conclusions, and forecasts regarding the fact that with the collapse of the USSR the contradictions in the world ended, and then humanity has a bright future name of the victory of democracy. No author for these errors not to blame – he even rose to the level of editor-in-chief of the magazine “the American Interest”. So, Fukuyama has not prevented to become the authority even of the “negative charisma”, as expressed in that historic season one character, however, a different address…

In General, all published Francis Fukuyama after the “End of history”, aroused the interest of the public and political circles. So, non-trivial view of the analyst on what is happening around is always interesting.
In this case, Fukuyama began to consider questions of the political structure of the United States, or rather, the state in which it has safely arrived, experiencing serious overload of a new Era the beginning of the XXI century. In the article entitled “The Decay of American Political Institutions” (“the Decay of American political institutions” – translation) Fukuyama comes to a surprising conclusion: “Many of the problems can be solved if the United States will move to a more unified parliamentary system of government, but such a radical change in the institutional structure of the country is just unthinkable. Americans believe their Constitution is almost a sacred document. To persuade them to reconsider her basic doctrines and principles is hardly possible, because it can seem a total collapse of the system. So Yes, we have a problem”.

This phrase, he loop his text, which begins with the phrase: “We have a problem, but we can’t see it clearly because our focus too often discounts history. – “We have a problem, but we can’t clearly consider it, as too often ignore the lessons of history”.

On the background of what is happening in America, the battle – and that’s no exaggeration – for the post of future President of the United States this article three years ago, it seems, is then opened and showed clearly some of the problems with which today the forehead in a forehead has faced and the American establishment, and the political system of the United States.

The current primaries rigging in some regions, votes in favor of Hillary Clinton – perfectly demonstrate that democracy in the US is “managed”. Only if about it – though it was visible a mile away, previously silent, now spoke in the States themselves.

Let’s see what writes Fukuyama, who represents the conservative part of the American political community. And the community is very concerned that the country’s political system differs from the teachings of the founding fathers, as the ship “Mayflower” (“may flower”) with the first settlers from Europe to America is different from super-modern ocean liner to 6000 passengers, which starts cruises in the Atlantic.

Фукуяма сказал. Трамп сделает?“Mayflower” in the port of Plymouth. Painting By William Halsall, 1882

Фукуяма сказал. Трамп сделает?The world’s largest ocean liner “Harmony of the seas”

And this is not hyperbole, but reality.

So, here is what Francis Fukuyama. Forgive me readers for dense citation – the text is worth it:

Many political institutions in the United States are in decline.

Political decline in this case means that a specific political process, and sometimes a separate state institution becomes unhealthy and unable to cope with their responsibilities. It is the result of intellectual rigidity and the growing influence of entrenched in their positions of politicians that prevent reform and rebalancing.

This does not mean that America stood forever at a constant rate of decay, or that its power and influence relative to other countries will necessarily weaken. But the reform of institutions is an extremely difficult thing, and there is no guarantee that to achieve this will be possible without major upheavals in the political system.

Therefore, although the weakening and collapse is not the same, the discussion on these topics is still linked.”

The diagnosis is made. Further – about the causes of disease.

“In my opinion, there is no single reason for institutional decay, as there is a broader understanding of it…

If we have a closer look at American history and compare it with the history of other liberal democracies, we note three key structural characteristics of the political culture of the United States, well-developed and effective in the past, but facing big challenges in the present.

The first peculiarity lies in the fact that in comparison with other liberal democracies, the judiciary and the legislature (including the activities of the two leading political parties) continues to play a disproportionately large role in the American system of government to the detriment of the Executive power with its bureaucracy”.

What a revelation! The role of the courts and representative government turns out to be too big?

“The traditional distrust of the American government creates such conditions when the administrative problems are solved by the court order. Over time this turned into a very expensive and inefficient method of management of administrative processes”.

Too many “court of justice”? Well, well, well…

“The second feature is that the proliferation of special interest groups and lobby groups have distorted the democratic process and stripped the government of the ability to work effectively.

But, as you can understand, “the proliferation of special interest groups” is precisely the manifestation of democracy – and in the process of reconciling these interests and there is making the final decisions. No?

“The third peculiarity is that under conditions of ideological polarization (sic!) the Federal governance structure of the American system of checks and balances, which was originally designed in order not to give undue increase of Executive power has become the power of prohibitions, which can be called by vetoketju.

The decision-making system has become too porous and too democratic (sic!), that is going to harm her”.

It is necessary to repeat: “the decision-making System has become too porous and too democratic (sic!), that is going to harm her”.

Prayed-prayed for “democracy”, as the crisis had come, and she became unwanted, “too democratic”? So sho is going on, citizens: Americans are “exporting democracy” around the world, already poor from this militant and military pressure, but at home they talk as if “from the topic jump”?!


“A seemingly irreversible process of growth in the presence of the American state in the twentieth century hides the decline of its quality
Groups with special interests, having lost (due to the adoption of the Pendleton act) the opportunity to directly bribe the legislature and bribes to feed their clients (that’s so Frank Fukuyama calls the people’s representatives in Congress S. F.), have found new, perfectly legal ways to conquer and establish control over legislators“.

Ah, so that’s what the deficiency of “special interest groups”! Now I understand – they don’t play in achieving consensus and reconciliation of interests, and just bribe legislators through lobbying financial capabilities. Fukuyama then just cut a plain truth regarding the background to the decision-making in Congress. Names have not yet called…

“All this has led to a crisis of representation. Ordinary people feel that, presumably (presumably, Carl! – S. F.), the democratic authorities have not reflect their interests, but instead serves the interests of the shadow elite“.

That is, “democracy” has increased, but the quality just fell to the level of “the shadow group”, and the heirs of the settlers from the “Mayflower” had already begun to grumble – no wonder, Donald trump, tearing templates watered-traditions, has become so pleasant just simple American common people, and so wary of him in the establishment. Perhaps trump and his team have studied the article Fukuyama?

“The problems of ordinary people can blame the officials, but they are wrong. The problem of American power rather than irresponsible bureaucracy, but in the General system, which gives administrative authority the courts and political parties.”

Surprising. The author seems to starting the exposure, stopped halfway, and they say, “do not dokrutili” its output to the less ambiguous phrase…

However, he then moves on to more specific findings: “in Short, challenges to American power stems from a structural imbalance between the strength and competence of the state on the one hand, and institutions, originally designed to keep the state on the other. The country is too much law and too much “democracy” in the form of the intervention of the legislature in comparison with the capabilities of the state.”

After the “brake” Ostap Fukuyama, as can be seen, has suffered: “the country is too much law and too much “democracy””. I plakal…

Further – more!

“American politics in the nineteenth century were mostly constructed on the principles of close ties and bribery (sic!). Policy secured the support of voters, promising them individual benefits and advantages, sometimes in the form of small services, courtesies, and even direct cash payments… Such opportunities for the formation of support had serious consequences in the form of corruption in the government, when the political movers and shakers and members of Congress skim those resources that are under their control”.

Who is there recently announced a global fight against corruption”? USA eh? So, for starters, let the house understand, than to teach everyone everywhere. Weak to start with members of Congress?

Here, Fukuyama tells the details of how to do corruption. And at least someone in the FBI interested in this?
“Today, at the Federal level is rare, old-fashioned corruption, acting on the principle of “walking around money”.

Important diplomatic posts still are distributed among the main donors of election campaigns, however, American political parties are no longer handed out in droves to public office his loyal political supporters and people who donate money to the campaign.

But, trade political influence in exchange for money back in American politics, and came back big.

This time, it is legal, and eliminate it has become much harder.”

Who writes? “Pravda” newspaper or magazine “The American Interest”?

“And we have lost vigilance. The American government has turned into a real hereditary fiefdom. In this regard, the United States is no different from the Chinese state in the late Han dynasty, from the regime of the Mamluks, until their defeat by the Ottomans and the state in pre-revolutionary France.”

Here is Fukuyama slashed! Today is right in address of the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton: “Nepotism on Olympus has made. Gods, you know…”

And again he returns to the antics of the legislators: “From ordinary Americans the influence of business and their money to the Congress arouses a powerful aversion.

The feeling that the democratic process is corrupted or stolen, not only at both ends of the political spectrum… as a result, the credibility of the Congress fell to historic lows.

A very accurately point out that today, no one in the us Congress have not conduct any discussions. “Debates” in Congress are reduced to a series of theses intended not for colleagues, and for an audience of activists who are happy to punish the Congressman, deviating from their agenda and goals“.

So, famously ride on the mores that prevails on Capitol hill, Fukuyama then passes to another generalization, which, however, lacking throughout the text of the article:

“The underlying causes of political decline, such as intellectual stagnation and the influence of the elite groups, typical for democracies in General. United States as the world’s first and most advanced liberal democracy, suffers today from the problem of political decay in a more acute form than other political systems democracy…

The lack of coherence and internal consistency in legislative bodies, in turn, creates a huge, ever-expanding and often unaccountable state apparatus”.

And then – a stunning example of this kind (the ladder from the publisher – S. F.):

The power to regulate the financial sector, for example, divided between:

– The Board of governors of the Federal reserve system,
– The Ministry of Finance,
The Commission on securities and stock exchanges,
– Federal Corporation of insurance of Bank deposits,
– The national credit Union administration,
– Commission on commodity futures trading,
– Management of supervision of savings institutions,
– The Federal housing Finance Agency,
– Federal reserve Bank of new York city,
as well as state prosecutors, which has expanded its Supervisory powers over the banking sector.”

Cu headfromGod!

“Many American politicians and political forces recognize that the system does not work very well, and, nevertheless, they are interested in preserving the status quo”.

And then – almost a call to revolution: “you May need a big shock or series of shocks, which will bolster the system”!

Must have accumulated there, in the US, so many problems (not very noticeable from Russia), if the journal “The American Interest” has decided so abruptly to speak. The conclusion which we have already quoted at the very beginning, formulated thus:
“Many of these problems can be solved if the United States will move to a more unified parliamentary system of government. But such a radical change in the institutional structure of the country is unthinkable”.

There is, in the understanding of Francis Fukuyama and his magazine – the crisis of the American system of government, and de facto political system.

Today the election of a new President has clearly seen that the agenda is not so smooth and predictable non-specific, as it was in previous elections. Charming slogan of Obama “Yes, We Can!” de facto about anything, demagoguery…

But the country is changing under the impact of the crisis issues that simply cause the establishment to lose, finally, well-fed contentment and zavolochitsy in connection with the growing threats of overload. Yes, this time it was “peregruzka” – for political, economic and financial systems of America.

No, no, no! Not even peregruzka, and perestroyka! Let the smell of gunpowder…

The recent news that in fact industrial production in the United States currently gives only 12 per cent of the total GDP (gross domestic product) – You, demonstration of the process of deindustrialization. But after it runs – on the battalion! – whole host of issues shaping the Future in society are not workers, but consumers. The future that Americans do not want to release from-under control, however, faced with the fact that the old mechanism is rusted and does not provide the necessary traction.

Article Fukuyama published in 2013. And what since then changed? Perhaps, that’s what.

Donald trump, a likely candidate in US presidents from Republican party, went to the polls with “fresh to the ear of Americans” program, consonant with the ideas of Fukuyama:

– “Bad times often provide excellent opportunities”.

– “You need to leave the world of illusions that exists except on the pages of magazines and on television. It is not so easy as you claim. Life is hard, and people get very serious injuries. So, if you want to win, you need to be strong like a flint, and ready to work with elbows and fists”.

– “Any “good times” — always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past.”

Фукуяма сказал. Трамп сделает?Donald Trump. Photo NY Times

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