Home / Incredible / In Switzerland, scientists were able to deduce bacteria cyborgs

In Switzerland, scientists were able to deduce bacteria cyborgs

В Швейцарии ученым удалось вывести бактерии-киборгиSwiss scientists from ETH Zurich have managed to create a bacterium-hybrid, which consists partly of a living organism and computer.

The viability of the strain can now be controlled with the help of green and red colors.

The basis of the modification was based on the bacterium Escherichia coli, which is the most common organism for laboratory studies.

The synthesis of biological material and allows the machine, by using computer programs, to control the vital functions of the resulting hybrid. When exposed to red bacteria-a cyborg stops the production of enzyme responsible for the growth. If the strain guide green energy, aktiviziruyutsya reverse process – the bacteria starts to grow rapidly.

This discovery is a significant contribution to the development of genetic-engineering and science in General. Further the work of scientists will focus on the improvement of the established bacteria-cyborg, which will significantly reduce the time and resources to the cultivation of artificial organs.

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