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In Peru found a strange circles on the ground

В Перу обнаружены странные круги на земле In Peru, geologists found the strange drawings made on the ground.

This discovery they made during their work in the area of the ancient city of the Peruvian Indians Vilcapampa.

For a more detailed consideration of their findings, the geologists used the help of satellites and drones. Land drawing contained figures of various kinds. Some of them had the right shape, others were made in the form of intricate pattern. One of the so-called “geoglyphs” in six concentric circles, and they leave piles of stones. Rings and other forms of drawings have different sizes.

The diameter of some barely reaches four metres, however, occupy an area of 800 square meters. Near the place of occurrence of the geoglyphs trade routes passed, and 1050-1400 years, there was located the city. Scientists tend to classify the age of the finds of the same period. Who made the drawings, and for what purpose remains a mystery.

This is not the first discovery of its kind in Peru. The most amazing found on the Nazca plateau, where for more than 50 kilometres done thousands of drawings, including figures of animals, stripes and other geometric shapes.

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