Home / Science and technology / In Britain, the iPhone can be a replacement driver’s license

In Britain, the iPhone can be a replacement driver’s license

В Британии iPhone может стать заменой водительских правIn the UK the “Apple” smartphones can start to use instead of a driver’s license.

This was reported by representatives of the state organization DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency).

At the moment authorities are working on a project to create an electronic version of a driver’s license, which can replace paper counterparts. On the eve of the DVLA has presented a prototype application for the rights Wallet on your iPhone in which the user can also granitite electronic versions of credit cards, card shops, movie tickets, boarding passes, bonus cards, etc.

Note that this innovation is accompanied by a number of risks, so the transit authority plans to use a number of functions to confirm the authenticity of the document and ensure the confidentiality of personal information of a person. As explained by the head of the DVLA, an electronic version of a driver’s license will get several degrees of protection, including a personal identification number.

Now the electronic version of the rights is only at the concept stage and will be tested in a limited number of officials in the pilot program. In case of successful completion of the testing program to be able to join and UK residents.

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