Home / Incredible / Impressive shots: looks like the Aurora from space

Impressive shots: looks like the Aurora from space

Впечатляющие кадры: как выглядит полярное сияние из космосаThe ISS took a strong Aurora.

Strong and amazingly beautiful Aurora Borealis was shot aboard the International space station.

Aboard the International space station on 26 October 2016 was filmed very powerful Aurora.

Meditative video of this spectacular phenomenon created by technology timelapse, available at AstronautiCAST channel on YouTube.

The Aurora is the glow of the upper atmosphere of our planet under the influence of the solar wind. It charged particles in contact with the atmosphere, creating an incredible sight. Due to the complex composition of the gas shell of the Earth it is shining at altitudes of 100 to 400 kilometers.

In the upper layers glow pink hue, and below it is more contoured and has a bright green color.

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