Home / Incredible / “Hubble” photographed a sparkling star field in the constellation tucana

“Hubble” photographed a sparkling star field in the constellation tucana

«Хаббл» сфотографировал сверкающую звездную сферу в созвездии ТуканA new image from space telescope “Hubble” shows us the simple beauty of a massive star cluster NGC 339.

A new image of the space telescope “Hubble” presents a scattered star cluster NGC 339, located in the constellation Toucan.

NGC 339 is a part of small Magellanic clouds, dwarf galaxies that are from us at a distance of about 200,000 light-years. By measuring the brightness and color of stars NGC 339, astronomers were able to determine the age of the cluster, which was roughly 6.5 billion years. This is only half of the age of globular clusters, the most common in the Universe.

In this very detailed picture you can also see a number of galaxies. They appear as vague, long clots, contrasting with the sharp stars that constitute NGC 339. These galaxies are not associated with a cluster, they are far far behind NGC 339 in the vast expanses of space.

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