Home / Incredible / “Hubble” has made an impressive photo of consequences of explosion of a star

“Hubble” has made an impressive photo of consequences of explosion of a star

"Хаббл" сделал впечатляющее фото последствий взрыва звездыThe photograph shows the consequences of the explosion of a white dwarf of the Large Magellanic cloud.

Scientists using the Hubble telescope have obtained images of the consequences of the explosion of a star, which is located at a distance of 160 thousand light years from Earth.

The picture was published on the official website of the telescope.

The exploding star was a white dwarf, which was located in the Large Magellanic cloud – the nearest to the Earth the galaxy. Approximately 97% of the stars within the milky Way will end their lives as white dwarfs.

The fate of these stars can be folded in different ways, including the explosion as a supernova.

"Хаббл" сделал впечатляющее фото последствий взрыва звезды

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