Home / Incredible / Hubble discovered galactic pair that came from space “of the desert”

Hubble discovered galactic pair that came from space “of the desert”

«Хаббл» обнаружил галактическую пару, пришедшую из космической «пустыни»Each of the galaxies contains a total of 10 million stars.

Scientists using super-Hubble telescope was able to open two new galaxy. They are small in size, but will be able to participate in the formation of new cosmic bodies.

Suggesting that new dwarf galaxies, which are found situated on the earth orbit the Hubble telescope, migrated from the so-called “cosmic desert”.

Newly discovered space systems gave the names “Fish a and Fish B”. Each of them contains 10 million stars. Outer desert, from whence they came, called that part of the Universe where new stars are forming. Its size is estimated at 150 million light years.

After both the galaxy were able to get out of “the desert”, the scientists expect their activation, which is expressed in the formation of new celestial bodies after billions of years of his forced “downtime.”

Thus, the process of star formation, they may slow down, if they fall under the action of larger galaxies.

Similar, small-sized space systems, it is rarely possible to detect even with the Hubble, so monitoring them is very important for astronomers.

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