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Huawei is developing an alternative to Android

Huawei разрабатывает альтернативу AndroidThe company intends to create its own operating system and to improve the wrapper for Android.

The experts of Huawei seriously intend soon to develop its own operating system of mobile type.

The Chinese firm has even decided to enlist for the realization of this project of a foreign specialist.
A number of Western publications write that in the month of October 2015, the company even decided to hire the former creative Director of Apple named Abigail Brody.

It is noted that such a move was made for several reasons, including to itself “shell” of the new OS still had a noticeable difference from iOS.

Now all mobile devices of this company work on the Android OS, however, precisely in its “shell” they are very similar to gadgets that produces a specified U.S. Corporation.

Brody will work to improve the external design of Huawei gadgets, in order to make it really unique and not like others.

The new mobile operating system might see the light later this year.

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