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How to safely fill the deficit of iodine in the body

Как безопасно восполнить дефицит йода в организмеTreatment and prevention of iodine deficiency.

The issue of iodine deficiency in recent years, more and more often occurs in patients and doctors now understand that lack of iodine can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, it is crucial to notice the lack of iodine in the body and well make up for this.

Lack of iodine in the body can lead to health problems – to the disruption of the functioning of the thyroid gland and the decreased production of its hormones. For a while this phenomenon is hardly noticeable or may pass completely unnoticed. But over time, you might find that the deteriorated condition of the skin and eyesight, had problems with heart and blood vessels, neurological disorders (depression, insomnia, mood swings).

If iodine deficiency occurs in women during pregnancy, it can cause malformations of the foetus. In children, adequate levels of iodine in the diet of the child, will guarantee the proper development, good school performance and no abnormalities in behavior.

To determine immediately stonedust difficult. But if you notice unreasonably bad mood, lethargy, loss of appetite, headaches, dryness and irritation of the skin, decreased immunity, heart pain is not otahite trip to the doctor – you should check the content of iodine in the body. Usually doctors prescribe a special analysis to determine the amount of iodine excreted in the urine. I do not believe that to determine the possible lack of iodine causing “iodine mesh” and determining the rate of absorption is fiction.

Traditionally, treatment of iodine deficiency appoints endocrinologist. It can be a nutritional Supplement with high content of iodine or drugs (pills and solutions). In the prevention of iodine deficiency need to include in your diet on a regular basis marine fish, seafood, dairy products, buckwheat, millet, seaweed, honey, lemons, walnuts.

Some amount of iodine supplied in food products, but it is more efficient to use a special iodized salt, which, unlike rock salt, a higher content of iodine (so, 1 g of sea salt contains about 1 mcg of iodine, at that time, as iodized salt contains 40 µg).

Iodized salt should be constantly used for cooking different dishes. But it is important to remember that during the heat treatment is lost about 30-40% of iodine. Because of this, you need to add salt only to the finished dish. And don’t be afraid of an overdose of this salt – man must eat every day for 40-50 grams of iodized salt, and this is unlikely.

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