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Seven characteristic symptoms of iodine deficiency

Семь характерных симптомов йододефицитаLack of iodine in the body can lead to serious disturbances in the thyroid and not only.

Iodine is an essential trace elements that helps to improve thyroid gland function and the development of her hormones. Some foods contain iodine, but people often miss that and don’t buy them, sacrificing his own health. For example, the seaweed is a sufficient amount of iodine, which would be enough to provide the daily requirement of an organism in it.

Seven characteristic symptoms of iodine deficiency:

1. The fatigue and weakness. As we know, the thyroid gland produces hormones that create energy, and if not to be missed in the body of iodine, the thyroid will slow you down, which will lead to fatigue, drowsiness, weakness, muscular aches and so on. Moreover, this symptomatology does not disappear when people should be sleeping through the night.

2. Swelling often appear in people who do not have enough iodine. Most often it is possible to notice “bags” under the eyes or swollen toes and hands. Doctors do not suggest in this case to drink diuretics or broth hips, because you will hurt yourself. It is best to go to the doctor on reception, to identify the cause of the swelling.

3. Irregular menstruation indicate that the body has been a hormonal imbalance, that is, the thyroid gland does not produce required amount of hormones that could be caused by iodine deficiency. Moreover, iodine deficiency can cause infertility and miscarriages.

4. A weak immune system may develop because of a lack of iodine, because this trace element is responsible for the body’s ability to resist viruses and infections. Accordingly, if it is not enough, then the immune system will not be strong.

5. Anemia can develop and Express themselves in the moment, when the thyroid disease is hypothyroidism, caused by iodine deficiency. With a lack of iodine in the blood the iron is poorly absorbed, as a consequence developing iron deficiency anemia.

6. The deterioration of memory. Almost all people suffering from iodine deficiency, notice that the first thing they have decreased mental capacity. People with iodine deficiency constantly forgetting something, can not concentrate, does not assimilate new information, etc.

7. The weight gain is triggered by just a deficiency of iodine. The thyroid gland, not getting iodine, crashes, and the production of hormones is disrupted, which of course affects the human condition.

To replenish iodine in the body is possible through food: cranberries, prunes, cod, shrimp, seaweed, hake, Pollock, redfish, capelin, catfish, milk, eggs, iodized salt, bananas, tuna and so on.

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