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How to properly eat fruit to lose weight

Как нужно правильно есть фрукты, чтобы похудетьWe all know that fruits are a great source of vitamins and fiber, so necessary to the human body.

About the benefits of eating the wonderful gifts of nature are endless.

But the fruit most served as your body, they need to be able to eat properly. We want to give you a few tips on how to maximize the benefits of these gifts of nature, and still lose weight.

The fruit can be eaten at any time of the day, but if you decided to deal your figure, it’s better to do up to 16 hours. And most important — never eat fruit after eating on a full stomach. It will not benefit you.
After you have eaten any fruit, you need to wait at least half an hour before anything.

Preferably eat fruit in the morning. They will enrich your body with sugar all day and give the feeling of satiety. Consequently, you will consume less calories and unwholesome food.

It is best in the first half of the day to eat avocado or banana. It is quite nutritious fruits, because they will fill you up for a long time. In any case, it is not recommended to eat them at night. And the bananas in the evening is generally better to forget or to limit their use.

Better to give preference to fresh fruit: frozen fruit is less useful, and canned is generally contraindicated for people who dream to lose weight.

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