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How to get rid of bad breath

Как навсегда избавиться от запаха изо ртаDoctors told how to quickly and permanently get rid of bad breath.

Don’t be fooled by the refreshing sprays and liquid mouthwash. Their action will last no more than 10 minutes, and wear a jar of rinse the mouth is not very convenient. More than 2.4% of the adult population believes that every day is faced with the issue of unpleasant mouth odor, and it is.


Many of us are really concerned about what the breath has become fetid, grey gives. The feeling is exacerbated in the afternoon, when the food is long digested and the stomach empty. Halitosis is difficult to diagnose yourself. To breathe into their hands or lick your wrist and then sniff – a dubious output.

You may decide that the cause is the imbalance of the acidic environment in the intestine, tooth decay, sore throat, liver problems and kidney and other ailments. True, and yet, 8 times out of 10 the perpetrators of the odor are bacteria in the oral cavity, evidenced by the BMJ review.

The most likely cause is bacterial plaque. It accumulates on the teeth and on the back of the tongue where some people have formed the grooves and accumulates plaque. Only 0.1 mm in such a creepy cover and fresh breath, you can forget. Because plaque blocks the access of air, what creates a favorable environment for different microbes.


Special testers control fresh breath will help to follow the breath. Such indicators are easy and quick (2-3 seconds) detect the presence in exhaled air of hydrogen sulfide, alcohol vapors and other impurities. The testers are doing the small size, they are very convenient to take with you wherever you go.

The measurement of freshness of breath can also be used as a keychain. But most important, their purpose is to accurately measure the breath, and therefore to maintain your self-confidence.


The solution is simple and obvious: toothbrush and thread. Nevertheless, the problem of bad breath still relevant. The same systematic review BMJ has shown that tongue cleaning (many people think this is a stupid idea) works. But it should be done very carefully, moving from the tongue root to the tip.

With regard to liquids for rinsing the mouth, they help only if their composition is chlorhexidine gluconate, and then – after a thorough cleaning. This component is merciless to the bacteria, especially at night, when they breed.

Although with the mouth rinse is necessary not to overdo it, a large amount of this fluid stains the teeth. Make sure the composition was not alcohol, it is dry skin, what further enhances the odor.


But all these methods available won’t work unless you make them permanent. Yes, and here’s another important detail: sugar-free chewing gum stimulates saliva and reduce bad breath, and it’s also good insurance for the day.


As mentioned earlier, the cause of unpleasant mouth odor can also be problems with the stomach. Be sure to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist, meanwhile, start to adjust your diet. These products not only help to maintain fresh breath, but also become a source of beneficial elements.

Yogurt. The microclimate in the mouth perfectly restores this delicious dairy product. The unpleasant smell will disappear for a long time after the first mouthfuls of yogurt with a minimal amount of sugar.

Apple. Fibrous foods (celery, apples, carrots, etc.) require, at the outset of the good work the body in order to digest them. Therefore increases the flow of saliva and improves breathing.

The herbs and spices. Parsley, coriander, mint, eucalyptus and cardamom is also great to eliminate odors and kill bacteria.

Citrus. Orange slices or any other fruit with vitamin C will have a positive impact on bad breath. Vitamin C on the spot kills bacteria, so teeth and gums are clean and healthy.

Green tea. Green tea in moderate amount will also help to keep fresh breath. It contains large amounts of polyphenols, merciless to the bacteria.

And yeah, Smoking will not help you to get rid of unpleasant mouth odor. Everything is exactly the opposite. How good are your kisses depends on you

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