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How easy it is to lose those extra pounds before the beach season – five rules

Как без труда потерять лишние килограммы перед пляжным сезоном - пять правил Experts told what rules you must follow in order to lose weight without much action.

The desire to lose weight “will unintentionally appear suddenly”. It often happens that very need fast lose weight to any particular day Ile date – vacation, a wedding, a corporate event… This desire often overtakes the fair sex, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to НealthInfo.

So how to quickly lose weight Yes to more and save with the seductive form?

Scientists have proved that eating behavior habits and preferences regarding nutrition – are formed in childhood. That is, we are borrowing from their parents not only genes but also diet, composition of diet, not to mention manners at the table. But what about those who in this respect “no luck with the parents”? Yes and I agree, it is difficult to give any preference to spinach, when the supermarket shelves with neighboring seduces us a pack of eclairs. Nevertheless, the axiom that beautiful figure depends first of all from the power to deny has not yet managed to anyone. So if you want to lose weight quickly and permanently – so, “educate” the food culture.
Here are some simple techniques that you need to learn. They, despite their nechistoty, will help you quickly lose weight. Well, going to the gym and Hiking, of course, will increase achievement. So, let’s start small.

Nutrition education: 5 rules

1. Consume less fat, especially saturated (“hard”). Nutritionists advise how to eat less fats, which tend to harden in the cold, so they are called solid fats. This butter (margarine is better to forget at all), and fatty meat and, undoubtedly, our national product – fat. In contrast to the “bad” saturated fats nutritionists recommend a “good” unsaturated, among which the undisputed leader is olive oil. But overall, if you want to lose weight, it is better to minimize the amount of fat, even healthy unsaturated.

2. Avoid like the plague “light” carbohydrates. Try to reduce daily intake of carbohydrates, but remember that you can not sit long on a low carbohydrate diet, so you’re only hurting yourself: your body is for the sake of economy of forces associated with a shortage of energy, falls into a lethargic sleep, and you will overcome depression, lack of energy, drowsiness. On the contrary, sources of complex carbohydrates – fruits, vegetables, cereals, honey, whole grain products are useful and necessary. It is from them the body will draw nutrients while you’re losing weight. The waist does not get any oatmeal or rice can be harmful only their number. These sources of complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables are also necessary for another reason: they contain fiber, which will keep the digestion in good shape” and will help to avoid constipation.

3. Deal in proteins. Many believe that the source of extra pounds and all troubles with excess weight are proteins, i.e. meat, eggs, milk. But this is a mistake: the proteins necessary for muscles. The whole mistake is that usually the meat dishes traditionally contain a lot of fat. Fix this mistake: lean meat of the carcass, boil the chicken broth (which, by the way, perfectly satisfies hunger). And twice a week boiled or steam cook fish.

4. Stop loving spicy and salty. Sharp provokes a feeling of hunger: when “help” Cayenne pepper you eat for dinner two times more than it. Salt also helps to lose weight, besides for the sodium in the body deposits water. In this regard, you should abandon the store-bought sauces – mayonnaise, ketchup, adjika, etc. the fact is that the vast majority of these flavorful additives contain not only dangerous spice that provokes ravenous hunger, but also salt, the amount of which is very difficult to take into account when drawing up the diet for weight loss.

5. And one of the main rules – say a decisive “no” to sugar. You need, afraid of confectionery products – they are harmful not only to the figures, in a variety of studies have shown that sweet is a factor of inflammation. As for metabolism, glucose and fructose provoke the release of the hormone insulin, and he easily sends the excess carbs in reserve on the flanks and belly. If it is difficult to give up sweets at once, reduce the dose gradually. Well, as a useful sweetener, use honey only in moderation! Many also helps to move charterized” licorice (stevia).

Of course, this formula is a healthy weight of the five components will not take you in a moment 5 or 10 pounds. But it is bound to work – will help not only to lose weight, but also to develop the very useful habit, which was discussed above – they are the key to a healthy and beautiful body.

Well, to the process of excess weight loss went faster, you can consult a doctor about taking the drug for weight loss. At present, the only way to lose weight that has scientific evidence of efficacy and safety, is orlistat. It is the active ingredient contained in the composition of capsules for weight loss xenical. With them to lose weight quicker.

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