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Useful products that can harm the health

Полезные продукты, которые могут навредить здоровью15 useful products, the harm which little is known.

As well as fashion and other popular industry, food industry follows certain trends and supports, and even creates myths to sell more and earn better.

You can, for example, to compare “healthy” food different times. Not so long ago people ate tofu, and raw diet foods, cereals, in General, did everything to stay in shape and keep my health.

However, once the fashion for these products began to take place, we learned that all of this is not as useful as we thought. Some of these products were even dangerous, able in certain cases to lead to serious health problems.

1. Banana chips is presented as a great substitute for harmful sweets. Isn’t it better to eat banana chips instead of 300 grams of chocolate? Fruit in any case more useful, isn’t it? One problem – banana chips made by vyzhivanie banana slices. Each serving of these chips contains at least ten grams of saturated fat, which raises our awful cholesterol. It is better to eat fresh banana, and tastier and healthier.

2. Sushi tuna is a great example of how this can be dangerous healthy food in large quantities. Sushi tuna is practically raw product, therefore, contains not many calories, but it is important to know that sushi prepared in a restaurant, contain more mercury than the raw fish purchased at the store. If you overdo it with mercury, you can get the toxicity of the body and as a consequence insomnia, vomiting, hair loss, hypertension… and the list could fill up another paragraph.

3. Cereals have become almost synonymous with a healthy Breakfast. Many people have given up bacon and eggs in favor of healthy start. However, be prepared granola that we buy in the store was a sham. Such serving of granola gives you about five hundred calories and an unimaginable amount of sugar. So, if you really want to eat cereal, buy oatmeal, some dried fruit, seeds, nuts and get really healthy food.

4. Energy bars shops are often housed in departments of a healthy diet and products for weight loss. However, these bars will not help you lose weight. Not only is this not healthy food, but perhaps more harmful than a candy bar. Mostly energy bars to help keep the fat in your body. One such bar contains over five hundred calories, the same amount must contain a normal lunch or dinner. Think about it, buying another bar.

5. When we want to lose weight, we turn to low-fat products. We buy low fat yogurt and believe that doing something healthy for your body. However, if the product is completely remove fat, it becomes tasteless, so manufacturers add sugar. Thus, we eat low-fat yogurt with a huge sugar content.

6. If your body does not accept gluten due to illness, you are forced to choose products that do not contain it. Other people just throw away money buying such food. Gluten free foods often don’t contain whole grains, so they have little fiber and antioxidants. Do not buy these products unnecessarily.

7. Sports drinks, there is nothing healthy, because they contain dyes. People find it more useful than a soda. Yes, soda is an absolute evil, are made of sugar and chemicals. But that doesn’t make sports drinks something particularly healthy. In addition to sugar, they contain a lot of dyes and preservatives, making these drinks have been banned in Europe and Japan.

8. Whole grain is good because it contains fiber and vitamin B. However, be careful of buying multigrain or wheat products, they typically do not contain whole grains. Cleaned and refined the grain is stored longer, but loses a lot of its beneficial properties.

9. Very good to do at home fruit and vegetable smoothies, there is nothing better for our bodies than natural mixed juices. At home you know what did you make this cocktail yourself and put what you think is necessary. However, often at home we do not find time for it or simply forget. Buying such cocktails in the stores, you should be very careful, the finished products can contain more sugar than you think.

10. Was once in fashion a popcorn diet. Not surprising: many people like popcorn. But microwave popcorn is not the best solution. This product contains high amounts of diacetyl, which is added to artificial butter. It’s delicious, but, unfortunately, dangerous. Diacetyl is safe if it is there, but is dangerous to inhale, and holding a bag of popcorn and we, of course, inhaled his scent.

11. Frozen dinner is the perfect solution for those who have no time or opportunity to cook every day. But you need to remember is that frozen foods are bad. They are very high in salt. Thus treated, the food is absolutely tasteless, so it added salt, sugar and fats. Frozen dinners contain a lot of salt and very little nutrients.

12. Many people eat muffins and believe that they are healthier than chocolate bars or sandwiches. However, remember that muffins contain from four hundred to eight hundred calories. If they really like you, choose cupcakes with fewer ingredients. The less components in them, the less they will be hidden fats, sugar and calories.

13. Granola is another healthy Breakfast. The main reason to consider it so is good marketing. Actually in these products are usually very much sugar. Sometimes they have more sugar than fiber, which makes it absolutely useless product. Also remember that bowl of granola contains about six hundred calories. If you really like it, try to choose a granola with the lowest sugar content.

14. Nuts contain a lot of nutrients and help to overcome excess weight. However, the conversion to oil, nuts completely lose their useful properties. In the process of refining peanut oil will remove the natural oils and fats replenished less healthy. The oil also contains much more salt and sugar, preservatives and dyes. If you really need it walnut oil, buy almond.

15. Dried fruit is very useful if you dried them at home. Such fruits remain sevicemen, fiber and minerals. Buying dried fruit in the store, you almost get the sugar. To make its product more palatable, manufacturers add sugar and sulfur to the fruit is not darkened. All of these supplements can be hazardous to health and certainly will not help you lose weight.

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