Home / Incredible / Heavy elements are formed in the merger of neutron stars – scientists

Heavy elements are formed in the merger of neutron stars – scientists

Тяжелые элементы образуются в результате слияния нейтронных звезд - ученыеIn the study, researchers studied the galaxy Mesh II, which was opened just about a year ago.

Scientists have studied the dwarf galaxies that are abnormally rich in heavy elements, and revealed the secret of their origin.

According to the researchers, the source of elements heavier than iron are dying neutron star. The research results were published in the journal Nature.

At the moment it is believed that heavy elements are formed in the huge explosion of a supernova, the shock wave that is formed by the merger of two neutron stars, or in other extreme circumstances.

In the study, researchers studied the galaxy Mesh II, which was opened just about a year ago. Galaxy is one of the many satellites of the milky Way and is at a distance of only 98 thousand light-years from Earth.

Scientists from the Institute Kavli noted that the galaxy is rich in elements heavier than iron. In the new study, the researchers made a number of assumptions that explain this feature of dwarf galaxies the processes that occurred in her distant past.

As stated by one of the authors of the study Enrico Ramirez-RUz, “the Explosion of a star with a mass 8 times more than the sun will create a gold weight around with the moon. The merger of neutron stars will generate as much gold as it weighs the whole Jupiter. The scientists found the amount of heavy elements in the Grid II indicates that they were generated by neutron stars.

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