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Four habits that bring happiness

Четыре привычки, которые приносят счастьеPsychologists have called the habits of people who consider themselves happy.

In 2016 scientists have named 3 countries, whose inhabitants consider themselves the happiest are Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland. But there are countries with much better weather conditions. So what makes people happy.

Psychologists say: daily habits of happy people is very similar. About the most important habits of people who consider themselves happy, today you will learn:

1) High activity every day

It is not only sport is walking, and travel, healthy and active rest on the nature.

2) a Love of nature

Happy people are kind to nature – they love animals and radically world, and in their home tend to have a favorite pet and a few plants.

3) the rejection of the TV

TV – the main source of negativity, so happy people have long refused from watching TV.

4) Friendship and support

The happy people have durosa and friends with whom they can share any experiences. Happy people are not closed, they enjoy socializing with people who are close.

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