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Foods that kill cancer

Продукты, которые убивают ракLatest medical studies have shown that these products, which we are presenting today are extremely helpful in case of cancer, as they inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Studies have shown that these foods are even more powerful than chemotherapy. The best part is that among those products is our favorite.

These include:
Turmeric, green tea, dark chocolate, raspberries, blueberries, tomatoes, and red wine. They contain powerful anti-cancer properties and they prevent supply of blood to cancer cells. Thus, researchers are advised to use them in order to stop the growth and spread of malignant cells.

Red wine

Red wine contains an extremely potent compound known as resveratrol, which is a powerful antioxidant and is usually found in the skins of grapes.
Numerous studies have shown that resveratrol successfully kills bacteria, viruses and fungi.
The recommended dose of resveratrol is 200-600 mcg per day. You should know that 225 ml of red wine provides approximately 640 mcg of resveratrol.


In addition to its numerous health benefits, turmeric is an amazing spice, when it comes to losing weight.

Blueberries and raspberries

These fruits are incredibly effective in preventing various types of cancer.


A study conducted at Harvard showed that participants who ate tomato sauce or cooked tomatoes is more than 4 times a month reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 50%. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is easily dissolved in fat and absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.

Dark chocolate

The fight against cancer doesn’t mean you should completely give up sweets. Namely, dark chocolate is extremely beneficial, it promotes heart health, improves mood and fights cancer cells.

Coffee and green tea

Coffee and green tea are extremely useful and can help fight various types of cancer.

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